you are here: ../ data / sensory organs / eye / retina - 25 x
Histology Grx1 Grx2 Grx3 Grx5 gGCS Prx1 Prx2 Prx3 Prx4 Prx5 Prx6 TrxR1 Trx1 TrxR2 Trx2 Nrx
Legend: A, artifact (retinal detachment after fixation); GC, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; L, lens; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; R&C, layer of rods and cones; VC, vitreous cavity. Objective: 25x, scale bar: 50 µm.
© José Godoy and Christopher Horst Lillig, 2010